Thursday, May 16, 2019

Portrait Poem

Jarime Justo
Portrait Poem

This poem is for my mom.

A stethoscope helps my mom listen to the patient's heart.
And she is very smart.
She works with the old, the young, the sick, and the healthy.
Her hard work makes her wealthy.
As she takes care of people gently.

Her greatest fear is heights.
When she looks down she is affright.
She shivers as she walks out of sight.
She breathes with all her might.
But stands brave like she's ready to fight.

I hope she will live long until she’s old.
When she smiles, she shines brighter than gold.
I hope I learn to be wise like her.
As the past turns to a blur,
My mom prepares me for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Although I can barely see the poem, it's really good
